Saturday, December 3, 2011

Tanzania's public debt.

Uwazi is part of Twaweza.


A climate of non disclosure could be undermining accountability in schools

A climate of non-disclosure pervades the sharing of basic school related information, despite policies and pronouncements to the contrary, and may be key factor undermining accountability in the quest for quality education.

Budget document tracker

International best practice in budget transparency recommends that countries publish eight (8) key budget documents at various stages in the annual budget cycle. But how many of these does Tanzania issue in the course of the budget cycle?

Jun 01 2011

Audit queries on spending not addressed by Central Government

Accountable governance of public resources means less audit queries that are not resolved. Many Central Government agencies however fail in this area.
May 31 2011

Public primary schools in Dar es Salaam: Poor toilets, little sport

Since 2002, the Government of Tanzania has been implementing the Primary Education Development Programme (PEDP) with two specific aims: making education more accessible and improving its quality. While significant success has been made in extending access improving quality remains a challenge. A research brief released today by Uwazi at Twaweza reveals that sanitation services in public primary school in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania's largest city, leave much to be desired.
May 30 2011

Dar es Salaam classrooms: Overcrowded, few books, no desks

A large e-learning conference has just opened in a modern world-class facility in Dar es Salaam, but city residents may have a long way to go before they can enjoy basic infrastructure in public schools. In a research brief released today, Uwazi at Twaweza shows that despite being closest to where policies are made, public primary schools in Dar es Salaam are in dire need of more classrooms, desks and textbooks.
May 23 2011

If findings are ignored, why audit?

The Controller and Auditor General (CAG) of Tanzania has been prompt in auditing and releasing audit findings on various operations of the Government in recent years. To the disappointment of many however, a clear indication that financial management situation is improving because of audits is lacking.
May 13 2011

Audit queries on spending not addressed by districts

Many districts in Tanzania fail to account for the money they spend. As a consequence they receive queries from the Auditor General. The 2009/10 report of the Auditor General shows that 122 billion shilling is implied in outstanding audit queries, the highest amount in five years. Only five districts had no outstanding audit queries.
May 04 2011

Visualise Tanzania's National Budget

Do you know how the government of Tanzania allocates its money? The budget books are inaccessible documents but with this application understanding budgets has never been easier. A click of the mouse will show you a picture of where the money goes. Discover which districts less than others and how the budget changes from year to year.
Mar 25 2011

Where does the education money go?

Since the Government introduced free primary education in 2001, enrollment has increased tremendously, from 4.9 million pupils in 2001 to 8.3 million in 2010. While the increase in pupil numbers has been accompanied by a commensurate increase in the primary education sub-sector budget, education inputs have remained rather poor. This brief questions how the Government's primary education budget is used.
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