Wednesday, January 11, 2012


1. Ministry’s Top Management
1. Minister Hon. Dr. Shukuru J. Kawambwa (MP)
2. Deputy Minister Hon Philipo Muligo (MP)
3. Permanent Secretary Prof. Hamis O. Dihenga
4. Deputy P.S. Mr. Selestine Gesimba
2. Staff of the Directorate of Higher Education
1. Prof. Willbard S. Abeli Director of Higher Education
2. Mr. Augustine J. Kajigili Principal Education Officer
3. Mr. Abdulla A. Rajab Principal Education Officer
4. Mr. Deocles D. Rutaihwa Principal Education Officer
5. Ms. Grace-Mary Kibaya Principal Education Officer
6. Mr. Musabi Chacha Principal Education Officer
7. Mr. James J. Muchunguzi Principal Education Officer
8. Mr. Lazaro Malili Principal Education Officer
9. Mr. Michael N. Mwandezi Principal Education Officer
10.Mr. Lukas Buberwa Assistant Accountant
11.Ms. Christine Makenge Personal Secretary
12.Ms Mary Kahabuka Office Management Secretary
13.Ms. Ester Kalama Registry Clerk
14.Mr. Athmani Kidesu Driver
15.Ms. Beatrice Mazanda Office Attendant
3. Directors of Higher Education since 1979
1.Dr. Pius Y. Ng’wandu 1979 - 1980
2.Ms. Kellen Mponguliana 1980 - 1988
3.Ms. Mwatumu J. Malale 1988 - 1992
4.Prof. Costa R. Mahalu 1992 - 1996
5.Dr. Ramadhan R. Ntuah 1996 - 1999
6.Mr. Ahmed S. Mbegu 2000 - 2007
7.Prof. Willbard S. Abeli 2007 - to date
4. Address
Directorate of Higher Education
Ministry of Education and Vocational Training
P.O Box 9121, Dare Es Salaam
Telephone: 255-22-2135390
Fax No: 255-22-2135389
1.0 Historical and the Current
Directorate of Higher Education
1.1 Historical Perspective
Immediately after independence in 1961, higher education was a
Section in the Ministry of National Education and Culture. It was
not until 1979 when it became a fully fledged Department and Dr.
Pius Y. Ng’wandu became its first Director. In 1991 the Directorate
of Higher Education became part of the newly established Ministry
of Science, Technology and Higher Education. The Ministries’
name was later changed to be the Ministry of Higher Education,
Science and Technology. Following the restructuring of the
Government Ministries in early February 2008, the Directorate of
Higher Education was transferred back to the Ministry of Education
and Vocational Training to be one of the core Directorates.
1.1 Management Structure of the Directorate of
Higher Education
The Directorate of Higher Education (DHE) is led by the Director.
The Directorate has two Sections and each Section is supposed to be
led by an Assistant Director. Currently, there are four officers
working in each section. The two Sections of the Directorate of
Higher Education are: The Higher Education Management Support
Section (EJM) and the Higher Education Policy Development and
Monitoring Section (EJS). The acronyms EJM and EJS are coined
abbreviations for Kiswahili titles; ‘Elimu ya Juu Menejimenti’ (EJM)
and ‘Elimu ya Juu Sera’ (EJS).
1.3 Roles and Functions of the Directorate of
Higher Education
The DHE is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the
Higher Education Policy which addresses the Ministry’s Vision and
Mission which are:
To have a Tanzanian who is well educated, knowledgeable, skilled
and culturally mature to handle national and International
challenges in various aspects, political and social economic fields by
To provide equal opportunity for quality education for all by
ensuring that there is an appropriate legal and practical working
environment to enable Stakeholders who are eager and able to
provide quality education participate in its expansion at all levels as
well as enhance management and national cultural development.
The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training MOTTO is to:
ensure that the nation has educated, knowledgeable and enough manpower
to tackle national, international, political and economical challenges.
The DHE under the MoEVT therefore, aims at ensuring that more
youth completing secondary education enroll for higher education
so that in the end they contribute to the national development.
1.4 Specific Functions of the DHE
The following are the main functions of the Directorate of Higher
a. Develop policies and guidelines on provision of higher
education in the country;
b.Make regular reviews of higher education policy to suit
provision of higher education at a particular period;
c. Develop regulatory framework for governance and
management of higher education;
d.Monitor and review the performance of higher education
institutions, programmes and project implementations;
e. Promote public awareness on higher education, cost sharing,
loan recovery and investments on higher education;
f. Coordinate, provide and manage higher education in the
country in collaboration with other stakeholders;
g. Promote and coordinate local and overseas scholarships, loans
and grants;
h.Ensure equity and access in higher education;
i. Promote and facilitate regional and international cooperation
in higher education;
j. Compile and summarize work plans and budgets for higher
education institutions and ensure effective use of
Government funds in higher education institutions;
k. Collect and disseminate information and data on higher
education for the purpose of identifying and recommending
to public study opportunities;
l. Recommend enactment and amendment of laws; directives
and circulars governing the provision of higher education;
m. Recommend, monitor and review implementation of
Protocols, Treaties, Cultural Agreements, Memorandum of
Understandings with other countries in the field of higher
n.Recommend appropriate actions to be taken on higher
education based on data collected and analyzed.
o.Coordinate and monitor higher education projects and
The Directorate of Higher Education does its functions in
collaboration with other Directorates in the Ministry. The Director
of Higher Education is the Chief Advisor to the Permanent
Secretary and the Minister on all matters related to higher education
in the country. Besides Universities and University Colleges, the
Directorate of Higher Education also oversees and coordinates the
roles and functions of Higher Education Students’ Loans Board
(HESLB), Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) and the
Tanzania Education Authority (TEA).
2.0 Universities and University
Colleges in Tanzania
2.1 Preamble
All Public Universities established before 2005 had their own Acts
establishing them under the Acts of Parliament. After the
enactment of Universities Act No.7 of 2005 these Acts were
repealed and all Universities and University Colleges were required
to have Charters. These Charters of Incorporation are the ones
which enable Universities to run, manage and administer
University education in Tanzania. Under the Universities Act
No.7, all Universities and University Colleges are supposed to
provide the nation with trained manpower for development and
wellbeing of the nation so as to transform the country from low to
middle income country.
Currently, there are 40 Universities and University Colleges
distributed throughout the country as shown on Annex 2. Nine are
Public Universities and three are Public University Colleges. On the
other hand, there are 16 Private Universities and 12 Private
University Colleges.
2.2 Public Universities and University Colleges
The following are Public Universities and University Colleges in
Tanzania as of July 2011;
a. University of Dar Es Salaam (UDSM) was established in
1970 by the Act of Parliament No. 12 of 1970. Issued
Charter signed on 28th March, 2007.
b.Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) was established in
1984 by Act of Parliament No.6 of 1984. Issued Charter
signed on 28th March 2007
c. Open University of Tanzania (OUT) was established in 1992
by Act of Parliament No.17 of 1992. Issued Charter signed
on 28th March 2007
d.Mzumbe University (MU) established in 2001 by Act of
Parliament No. 9 of 2001. Issued Charter signed on 28th
March 2007
e. Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS)
was established as a College in 1991 by Act of Parliament
No.9 of 1991 but elevated to a fully fledged University in
2007. Issued Charter signed on 28th March 2007
f. Ardhi University (ARU) was established as a College by
Government Order / Notice No. 148 of 1996. Elevated to a
fully fledged University in 2007 and issued Charter signed on
28th March 2007
g. University of Dodoma (UDOM) was established in 2006 under
the ruling Party Election Manifesto of 2005. Issued Charter
signed on 28th March 2007
h.State University of Zanzibar (SUZA) was established in 2002
by Act No.8 of 1999 of the Zanzibar House of
Representatives. Yet to be issued Charter.
i. Moshi University College of Cooperatives and Business
Studies (MUCCoBS) was established in 2005 as a Constituent
College of Sokoine University of Agriculture. Issued Charter
signed on 5th June 2009.
j. Dar Es Salaam College of Education (DUCE) was established
in 2005 as a Constituent college of University of Dar Es
Salaam. Issued Charter signed on 24 March 2010.
k.Mkwawa University College of Education (MUCE) was
established in 2005 as a Constituent College of the University
of Dar Es Salaam. Issued Charter signed on 5th June 2009.
2.3 Private Universities and University Colleges
The following are Private Universities and University Colleges
as of July 2011;
a. Hubert Kairuki Memorial University (HKMU) was established
in 1996. Issued Charter signed on 24 March 2010
b. International Medical and Technological University (IMTU)
was established in 1997. Issued Charter signed on 24 March
c. St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT) was established
in 1996. Awaiting for Charter to be signed.
d.Zanzibar University (ZU) was established in 1998.
e. Mount Meru University (MMU) was established in 2002.
Awaiting for Charter to be signed.
f. Teofilo Kisanji University (TEKU) was established in 2004.
Issued Charter signed on 24 March 2010.
g. Muslim University of Morogoro (MUM) was established in
2005. Issued Charter signed on 24 March 2010
h.Aga Khan University (AKU) was established in 2000. Yet to
submit a Charter.
i. St. John’s University of Tanzania (SJUT) was established in
2006. Issued Charter signed on 5th June 2009.
j. University of Arusha (UoA) was established in 2003. Awaiting
for Charter to be signed.
k.Tumaini University Makumira (TUM) was established in
1996. Awaiting for Charter to be signed.
l. Kampala International University was established as a Centre
in 2008 and upgraded to a College in 2011. Yet to submit a
m. Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences
(CUHAS). Elevated to a fully fledged University on 15th
October 2011 from Weil Bugando University College of
Health Sciences (WBUCHS), a Constituent College of St.
Augustine University of Tanzania since 2002. Issued Charter
as a College on 5th June 2009.
n.Ruaha University College (RUCO) was established in 2005 as
a Constituent College of St. Augustine University of
Tanzania. Awaiting for Charter to be signed.
o.Mwenge University College of Education (MWUCE) was
established in 2005 as a Constituent College of St. Augustine
University of Tanzania. Issued Charter signed on 24 March
p.Iringa University College (IUCO) was established in 1996 as a
Constituent College of Tumaini University. Awaiting for
Charter to be signed.
q.Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College (KCM-c) was
established in 1996 as a Constituent College of Tumaini
University. Issued Charter signed on 24 March 2010.
r. Tumaini University, Dar Es Salaam College (TUDARCo) was
established in 1997 as a Constituent College of Tumaini
University. Issued Charter signed on 24 March 2010.
s. Sebastian Kolowa University College (SEKUCO) was
established in 2007 as a Constituent College of Tumaini
University. Issued Charter signed on 24 March 2010.
t. Stefano Moshi Memorial University College (SMMUCO) was
established in 2007 as a Constituent College of Tumaini
University. Issued Charter signed on 5th June 2009.
u.University College of Education Zanzibar (UCEZ) was
established in 1998. Acquired Certificate of Full Registration
20th June 2001.
v. University of Bagamoyo (UoB). Established 2009 and granted
Certificate of Provisional Registration (CPR) on 18 march
w. Eckenforde Tanga University (ETU), Established 2010 and
granted CPR on 2nd November 2010.
x.Stella Maris University College (Former St. Augustine
University, Mtwara Center. Established in 2010
y. St. Francis University College of Health and Allied Sciences
(SFUCHAS). Established 2010 and granted CPR on 2nd
November 2010.
z. Archbishop Mihayo University College (AMUCTA).
Established 2011 and granted CPR on 2nd November 2010.
aa. Jordan University College (JUC). Established in 2010 and
granted CPR on 2nd November 2010.
bb. Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
(JKUAT). Established in 2011 as a Centre under JKUAT
(Kenya) and granted CPR on 18 March 2011.
3.0 Higher Education
The following are three Higher Education Agencies which are
supposed to provide services to Higher Education Institutions;
3.1 Tanzania Education Authority (TEA)
Chairman of the Board Dr. N. Katunzi
Executive Secretary Ms. Rosemary Lulabuka
Address: P.O. Box 34578, Dar Es Salaam
Tel No. (022) 2775486/8
Fax: (022) 2775516
The Tanzania Education Authority (TEA) is a body corporate
established in 2001 under Section 5 (1) of the Education Fund Act
No.8 of 2001 for the purpose of managing the Education Fund. The
Fund provides grants and loans for infrastructure and other
developments to higher learning institutions, schools and other
educational institutions.
The main functions of Tanzania Education Authority are to:
a. Mobilize resources for the education fund in the form of loans,
grants and gifts.
b.Disburse resources from the education fund to overall users /
beneficiaries in accordance with clearly defined criteria.
c. Monitor the use of resources disbursed to overall users /
beneficiaries in order to ensure that the education fund’s
objectives are realized.
3.2 Higher Education Students Loans Board
Chairman of the Board: Prof. Anselm B. Lwoga
Executive Director: Mr. George Nyatega
Address: P.O. Box 76068, Dar Es Salaam
Tel.No. (022) 266036/7
Fax: (022) 2669039
The Higher Education Students Loans Board (HESLB) is a body
corporate established by Act No 9 of 2004 and commenced
operations in 2005. The Board was established for the purpose of
issuing loans to poor and needy students who secure admissions in
accredited higher learning institutions for the award of higher
diplomas and degrees but have no economic means to pay for the
cost of their education.
HESLB offers loans to poor and needy students admitted in fully
registered higher learning institutions. Beginning 2011, only those
applicants who come directly from high schools (Form VI) and
those who meet the following criteria are eligible for applying for the
Poor orphans;
a. Poor disabled applicants or applicants who have disabled
b. Applicants from poor single parent families.
c. Applicants pursuing Government priority programs like
education, engineering, agriculture, animal and health
d.Applicants from poor marginalized and disadvantaged groups;
e. Applicants from low income threshold family earning national
minimum wage or below.
Financial assistance loaned to students cover the following six
a. Meals and Accommodation
b.Books and Stationery expenses
c. Special Faculty Requirements
d.Field Practicals
e. Research Expenses
f. Tuition Fees
Due to increasing numbers of applicants seeking loans from the
Higher Education Students Loans Board and limited funds set aside
annually by the Government, the Higher Education Students Loans
Board uses Means Testing system in identifying applicants who
deserve to be given loans. The criteria used in identifying applicants
to get loans include neediness, academic performance in Form VI
examinations and national priority programmes. For in-service
students not pursuing health science programmes, education in
science and mathematics, other arrangements are in place for them
to get loans from their employers or Social Security Schemes.
3.3 Tanzania Commission for Universities
The Chairman of the Board: Prof Awadhi S Mawenya
Executive Secretary: Prof. Sifueli Mchome
Address: P.O. Box 6562, Dar Es Salaam
Tel. No. (022) 2772869; 2772657
Fax: (022) 2772891
The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) is a body
corporate established on 1st July 2005 under the Universities Act No
7 of 2005 with the purpose of ensuring quality higher education in
the country. The TCU, which took over from Higher Education
Accreditation Council (established in 1995) also monitors and
regulates the general management and performance of higher
learning institutions. In short, the main functions of the TCU can be
summarized as follows:
a.Promotion of knowledge sharing through networking of
Universities and University Colleges;
b. Registration and accreditation of Universities and University
c.Validation of Academic Programs, Certification and
Coordination of students’ admissions;
d. Monitoring and control of quality education in Universities
and University Colleges;
e.Collection and dissemination of information/data on higher
4.0 Higher Education Study
Study opportunities in higher education are provided either within
the country or outside the country. According to Higher Education
Policy of 1999, higher education is supposed to be cost-shared
between the end beneficiaries and the Government. The policy
encourages students from economically able families to pay for their
education while poor ones apply for loans from the Higher
Education Students Loans Board.
Scholarship opportunities offered to Tanzania by friendly countries,
International Organizations and individuals to study outside the
country are either coordinated by the Directorate of Higher
Education or individual Universities. The DHE coordinates three
types of scholarships:
a. Scholarships under Bilateral Agreements;
b. Commonwealth Scholarships and
c. Students exchange programmes.
Most of the bilateral scholarships are partial scholarships where
tuition fees are paid by the host countries while living and travel
expenses are paid by the beneficiary country. Students under these
scholarships are given loans by HESLB to cover living, travel and
other general expenses.
The Commonwealth Scholarships are funded by the host
Commonwealth member states. These scholarships cover all
training expenses including round trip ticket.
For students under exchange programmes, Tanzania sends to and
receives students from partner countries to study in their
Universities and in our local Universities respectively.
4.1 Bilateral Agreement Scholarships
These are study opportunities offered to Tanzania by friendly
countries for both undergraduate and postgraduate studies.
Currently, friendly countries offering scholarships which are
coordinated by DHE include; Algeria, China, Turkey, Pakistan,
Egypt, South Korea, Cuba, Russia, Ukraine, India, Czech Republic,
Indonesia, Macedonia and Poland.
Advertisements to invite applications for these scholarships are
made in newspapers and on the Website of the Ministry of
Education and Vocational Training. Invitations and call for
applications for scholarships tenable in China, Russia, Ukraine,
Pakistan and India are normally received and advertised between
the months of January and March; For scholarships tenable in
Poland, Turkey, Egypt and Cuba, Invitations and calls are made in
March/April of each year while scholarships tenable in Czech
Republic and Algeria are received and processed in June/July. Most
of these scholarships under Bilateral Agreements are for
undergraduate courses except for those tenable in China, Poland,
Turkey, South Korea and Indonesia.
4.2 Commonwealth Scholarships
Commonwealth Scholarships are educational training opportunities
offered by Commonwealth Countries to Member States for the
purpose of providing advanced knowledge, skills, science and
technology necessary for the development of the recipient countries.
Commonwealth Scholarships coordinated by DHE are mainly for
postgraduate studies (Masters and Doctorate Degrees).
Commonwealth Countries that currently offer Scholarships to
Tanzania include the United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand,
Malaysia and India. The DHE advertises these scholarships in local
newspapers and in the Ministry’s website. Invitations and call for
applications are normally made in September/October for United
Kingdom and Canada Scholarships, July/August for New Zealand
Scholarships, November for Malaysia scholarships and
January/February for scholarships tenable in India.
4.3 Students Exchange Programs
Tanzania has entered into Agreements with some countries to
exchange students both at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels.
Countries currently under such Agreements include Uganda (under
Inter University Council of East Africa Students exchange
programme), Mozambique (under Tanzania – Mozambique
Students Exchange Program) and China. Under these reciprocal
Agreements, each country is supposed to send its students to study
in the other country’s Universities and receive other country’s
students to study in local Universities. Students under this
arrangement are treated as local students by the host countries.
5.0 Processing and Awarding of
5.1 Processing of Scholarships
As stated above, overseas scholarships are administered and
coordinated by DHE in the Ministry of Education and Vocational
Training. Once advertised, aspiring candidates apply for these
scholarships by attaching all the required documents. Applications
received are sorted and ranked according to their weight or
qualifications. Applications with more academic
weights/qualifications and those in the fields which are considered
to be more relevant to the nation’s development are ranked high.
Nomination of applicants for overseas scholarships is done by Inter-
Ministerial Government Committee called the Sub - Advisory
Committee on Higher Education and Training (SACHET). This
Committee is composed of members from the following Ministries
and Institutions:
a. Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, Tanzania
b. Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, Zanzibar
Revolutionary Government;
c. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
d.President’s Office- Public Service Management,
e. The Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar Coordination
Office in DSM;
f. The Tanzania Commission for Universities
g. The Higher Education Students Loans Board.
h.The National Examination Council of Tanzania
5.2 Selection and Awarding Criteria
Selection criteria vary depending on the individual country and the
type of the scholarship. Overall, the following are the common
criteria used for selecting and awarding these scholarships:
a. Age:
For Undergraduate scholarships, applicants must not be more than
25 years of age; Master Degree not more than 35 years of age and
for PhDs applicants, not more than 40 years. For Commonwealth
Scholarships in the United Kingdom, a candidate whose certificate
is more than ten years after graduation is disqualified while in other
Commonwealth countries the maximum duration is five years after
graduation of the last degree.
b. Academic qualifications:
Undergraduate applicants must have passed Form V1 Examinations
with passes in Division I or II. Postgraduate applicants must have
passed with at least a GPA of 3.5 at undergraduate level and a B
Grade or GPA of 4.0 for Masters Applicants aspiring for Doctorate
c. Study Language:
Undergraduate applicants selected for studies in a non - English
speaking country or non-Commonwealth countries like Russia,
China, Poland, Turkey, Algeria, South Korea, Cuba and Czech
Republic must study the host country’s language which is
sometimes used as a medium of instruction. Although most of the
Postgraduate programmes are offered in English, students are also
required to study the host language in order to enable them
communicate and socialize easily in the host countries.
d. Letters of Recommendations:
Postgraduate applicants must have three letters of
recommendations: (two letters from two Professors: one of whom
should be from the applicant’s latest institution and one letter from
the applicant’s employer). If the Applicant is self-employed, the
third letter should be from a recognized academician.
e. Physical and mental fitness:
All aspiring candidates must be in good health
f. Verifications and award
All names of selected candidates are submitted to the Tanzania
Commission for Universities (TCU) for verification and approval.
Once approved, nominated candidates are normally informed of
their scholarship results using their postal addresses, telephone
numbers and e-mails. The names of selected candidates are
displayed at the Ministry’s notice boards, published in the local
newspapers and put on the Ministry of Education and Vocational
Training website. Nominated candidates fill in special
application/acceptance forms which are remitted to the host
country for placements in host higher education institutions.
Tanzanian Embassies take care of these students the entire period
they are studying in these countries.
6.0 Financing Higher Education in
6.1 The concept of cost-sharing
Funds for higher education normally come from the Government,
Owners of Institutions, Individuals, Development Partners, Private
Organizations, parents and other education Stakeholders. Over
years now, there has been an increasing number of students seeking
higher education but funds to support them have not kept pace with
the increasing demands. To address this problem, the Government
introduced cost sharing policy in 1990’s.
Cost sharing means shifting some of the costs incurred on education
by the Government to other stakeholders and end beneficiaries. Cost
sharing thus, emphasizes on partnership with other education
stakeholders in meeting higher education expenses.
6.2 Historical Background of Cost-sharing
The history of cost sharing in higher education goes back to the
colonial period. Before and immediately after Independence in
1961, all students pursuing higher education had to pay for tuition
fees and other expenses. Students who came from poor families
were offered Government bursaries which they had to pay back after
their graduation. This arrangement continued until 1964 when the
National Service Scheme was introduced.
Between 1964 and 1974 University students were given bursaries
after serving in the National Service for a period of six months
before joining Universities. After completing their studies, students
had guaranteed employment in Government or Public Institutions.
Employed graduates were paid 40% of their salaries and 60% of
their salaries were used to pay back their bursaries.
When Musoma Resolution was introduced in 1974, students had to
undergo a one year compulsory National Service and work for two
years before joining higher education. In order to compensate for
the forgone salaries paid to students who were working before
joining Universities, the Government introduced higher education
allowance which was paid to all students. University fees, meals and
accommodation, books and stationery plus field work allowances
were all paid directly to Universities which managed and provided
all the required services to students.
Having noted the increasing public demand for higher education
and a good number of students with good qualifications failing to
continue with higher education, the concept of cost sharing was
proposed in 1988. To implement this policy, the Government
decided that the cost sharing concept should be implemented in
three phases:
6.3 Three phases of cost sharing
a. Phase 1 (1992 -1994)
During Phase I, the following expenses were covered by students:
 Caution money
 Transport costs to and from Institutions
 Application fees
 Examination fee
 Students Union fees
 Medical expenses
b. Phase II (1994 – 2004)
In addition to meeting Phase I expenses, during Phase II, students
were also required to cover the following expenses:-
 Meals
 Accommodation
In order to assist students who could not afford to pay for their
meals and accommodation, the Government introduced a loans
scheme where students could borrow money to meet the costs for
meals and accommodation. This loan’s scheme was managed by
then the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology
from 1994 to 2005.
c. Phase III (2005 – to date)
The third phase of cost - sharing came into force in 2005/06 after an
enactment of Act No.9 of 2004 which established the Higher
Education Students Loans Board (HESLB). The main function of
HESLB was to give loans to students and recover loans from
previously loaned students (1994 – 2005).
Under Phase III, items which could be loaned included:
 Books and Stationery
 Special Faculty Requirements
 Field Practical Training expenses
 Research Expenses
 Meals and Accommodation
 Tuition Fees
The impact of cost sharing policy has resulted to increased number
of students from 23,126 (2003/04) to 155,259 (2010/11) in
Universities and University Colleges. About 60% of these students
get loans from the HESLB.
6.4 Presidential Team’s Recommendation on Student
Early 2011 the President appointed a Team to review the current
students loan scheme. The Team came up with a number of
recommendations. Amongst them included the need to involve
other stakeholders in financing or issuing loans to students, review
of loans issuing and recovery criteria.
7.0 Programmes and Projects
7.1 Programmes
Currently the DHE is coordinating the implementation of Higher
Education Development Programme (HEDP) 2010 – 2015. The
Programme is a logical follow up of the ESDP (1997) which started
with Primary Education Development Programme in 2002 and then
Secondary Education Development Programme in 2004.
The Programme aims at contributing towards achieving the goals
stipulated in various national socio-economic development policies
and is divided into three main components namely;
(1) Institutional reforms
(2) Service delivery
(3) Sustainability mechanisms.
HEDP is planned to be implemented in two phases starting with
Phase I where the following priority areas have been identified:
(a)Development and retention of high quality human resources,
(b)Rehabilitation and construction of new infrastructure to
accommodate the increasing number of students;
(c) Availability of adequate teaching and learning materials;
(d)Improvement and application of ICT for teaching, research and
(e)Conduction of demand driven research and outreach activities
which will contribute to national socio-economic development.
Funds to implement projects developed from this programme are
expected to come from the Government budget, Development
Partners and the Private Sector.
7.2 Projects
The DHE is coordinating an IDA support Project named Science
and Technology Higher Education Programme (STHEP) 2008 –
2013. The Project’s long term objective is to enhance Tanzanians
capacity to apply knowledge to economic activity by building and
strengthening its higher education system. The immediate goal is to
increase the quantity and quality of higher education graduates,
with special emphasis on science, technology and education through
an improved learning environment.
The Project has two broad areas of investment: Capacity to deliver
specific degree programmes of high priority; and Institutions and
systems to support higher education generally. Within these two
investments, the Project is being implemented under four
components namely:
a.Component 1A: Investments in Priority Disciplines for economic
Growth: (5 HEIs are participating);
b.Component 1B: Expanded capacity for Teacher Preparation and
for Graduate Studies in education (5 HEIs are participating);
c.Component 2A: Strengthening Key Higher Education Agencies
and Institutions (6 Institutions participating);
d.Component 2B: Investment in system wide ICT Development
and libraries (COSTECH, MCST & MoEVT Coordinating this
Most of the planned activities have been undertaken and it is
expected that by the end of the Project, 143 PhDs and 148 MSc.
graduates will have benefited from the project, 21 new buildings will
be in place in 7 HEIs and 12 buildings rehabilitated or expanded in 4
HEIs. Lastly, it is expected that 28 HEIs and Research Institutions
will be networked and be able to share ICT facilities for teaching
research and communication. For more information visit Project
8.0 Challenges and Strategies
8.1 Challenges Facing Higher Education
The higher education in Tanzania is facing a number of challenges.
Amongst them include:
a. Increasing number of students aspiring to enroll in higher
learning institutions due to successful completion and
implementation of Primary Education Development
Programme (PEDP), Secondary School Development
Programme (SEDP) and increased public / social demands
for higher education. Table 1 shows staff and students
enrollment in Universities for the past 6 years both in Public
and Private Institutions.
b.Inadequate funding which do not match with increased
number of students and aged infrastructure which were
meant to accommodate only few students.
c. Inadequate number of teaching and technical staff compared
to the increased number of students and new higher learning
d.Too much dependence on Government to finance and support
higher education.
e. The aging and retiring skilled academic staff with most
Universities having no succession plans.
f. Poor working environment, remuneration and retirement
packages which do not attract and retain skilled and
experienced staff.
g. Limited number of other sources of financing higher education
students to meet the increasing number of needy students
demanding loans.
h.Inefficient utilization of meager resources due to duplication
and uncoordinated efforts by higher learning institutions.
i. Some few Institutions refusing to enter Central Admission
System in order to minimize multiple admissions which
result in delays in opening of institutions, delays in loans
disbursement and non filling of placements in Universities.
j. Increasing number of fake certificates and degree awards in
order to get University Admissions.
k.Low ratio of female and disadvantaged students in higher
learning institutions.
l. More students preferring to study arts and social science
programmes than life science and technological programmes
due to better remunerations after graduations and less stress
when in Universities.
m. Low pass rates for science and technology biased students in
both Secondary schools and Universities.
n.Competitions for students with middle cadre institutions
which are also offering degrees.
o.Lack of National Qualification Framework to oversee,
regulate and control quality higher education.
Table: 1 Staff and Students Enrolment in both Public and Private
Universities since 2005/06 to 2010/11.
Institutions 2005/6 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9 2009/10 2010/11 STAFF
Students enrollment per year over 6 years
UDSM 15081 13927 14799 14203 16064 16289 1045
SUA 2286 2393 3204 3619 4135 6959 494
OUT 9232 7142 25829 28935 30069 44272 350
MU 3210 3474 3537 4088 5172 6165 292
MUHAS 2056 2530 1431 2165 2383 2683 244
ARU 1194 1358 1602 1908 2115 2692 205
SUZA 260 424 1005 1035 1003 12243 111
UDOM - - 1116 7337 15121 19584 538
MUCCoBS 866 1104 1374 2068 2702 3875 144
DUCE 527 1483 3326 3528 2955 2955 198
MUCE 1006 917 1084 1899 2109 1967 109
NMIT - - - - - 105 26
HKMU 109 109 442 531 651 444 42
IMTU 172 371 168 701 821 981 83
SAUT 1344 2665 4165 6244 9137 11134 253
SJUT - - 791 1872 2898 5760 190
UoA 154 514 1029 866 868 1500 73
MMU 164 236 267 636 697 1228 46
MUM 167 326 654 159 1059 1177 31
AKU 123 187 761 214 761 214 31
TEKU 62 274 894 1784 2552 3596 52
RUCO 221 446 964 1212 2462 5000 102
MWUCE 33 125 190 596 1171 1200 50
TUM 271 325 918 1159 1298 1871 56
TUDARCO 264 1350 1328 1454 1700 1963 42
KCMC 220 228 234 1005 1119 1046 80
UCEZ 143 155 213 430 656 784 36
35 155 714 538 680 718 54
ZU 485 1241 1350 1477 1987 2047 40
IUCO 2042 2249 2931 3351 3307 111
SMMUCO - - 396 493 617 844 29
SEKUCO - - 138 438 638 793 18
KIU - - - - - 882 127
SMUC - - - - - 2553 48
40993 45501 76172 95525 118951 157812 5389
8.2 Strategies to Address Challenges
Among the measures being taken by the Government to address
these challenges include the Development of Higher Education
Development Programme “Mpango wa Maendeleo ya Elimu ya Juu”
(MMEJU) which aims at addressing the following:
a. Increase Gross Enrolment Ratio in higher education from the
current 3.0% to 6% by 2015
b. Rehabilitation of the aging and dilapidated infrastructure and
construction of new infrastructure to accommodate increased
number of students.
c. Training of more academic and technical staff to meet the
increasing number of students and higher learning
d.Allocation/ provision of more research and development
funds to Higher Learning Institutions.
e. Establishment of alternative sources of financing higher
education students loans;
f. Improving management and administration of higher learning
g. Addressing cross- cutting issues like HIV/AIDS, gender,
globalization, environment, good governance, etc
h.Networking Higher Learning Institutions in order to share
knowledge and resources more effectively.
i. Implementation of Science, technology and higher education
Project (STHEP) which aim at increasing science and teacher
graduates in ten selected higher education institutions.
j. Review and harmonization of education policies and Acts in
order to address or meet emerging new needs and challenges
k.Establishment of a joint higher education students admission
and loan application system
l. Improvement of the Higher Education Student Loans Board’s
Means testing and loans recovery systems so that by 2015, at
least 25% of the loans come from recovery;
m. Establishment of higher education students unit cost
n.Establishment of Staff development fund to train young staff
for further education;
o.Identification of few Institutions to be centres of excellence
and offer more postgraduate programmes
p.Encouraging more students’ especially female students to
apply and join science and technology programmes by giving
them grants and 100% loans.
q.Engagement of expatriate staff to teach and supervise
Postgraduate students while institutions are training their
Universities and University Colleges in
1.University of Dar Es Salaam (UDSM)
Established 1970
Top Leadership 1 . C h a n c e l l o r : A m b a s s a d o r . F . K a z a u r a
2. Chairman of the Council: Peter Ngumbulu
3. Vice Chancellor: Prof. R.S. Mukandala
4. Deputy VC Academics: Prof. M.A.H. Maboko
5: Deputy VC Administration: Prof. Y.D. Mgaya
Students 16,289
Academic Staff 1,045
Contact Address University of Dar es Salaam
P.O. Box 35091
Tel. (255) 022 2410500/8
Fax:(255) 022 2410078 or 2410023
Programmes offered B.Sc. Aquatic Environmental Science and Conservation;
Fisheries and Aqua culture; BA in Archaeology; Archaeology
and Geography; Culture and Heritage; Heritage Management;
Economics; Economics and Geography; Economics and
Sociology; Economics and Statistics; Fine and Performing Arts;
Geography and Environmental Studies; Geography and
Statistics; History, History and Psychology, History & Political
Science, History and Archaeology; Political Science and Political
Administration; Language Studies; BA Kiswahili, Political
Science and Economics; Political Science and Language (eg.
French); Literature & language; Political Science and
Philosophy; Political Science and Public Administration;
Political Science and Sociology; Sociology; Sociology and
Philosophy; Statistics; BA with Education; Education (Adult &
Community Education); Education (Commerce) BA Education
(Educ. Psychology) Education (Physical Education, Sport and
Culture); Education in early Childhood;
BSc. in Chemical Process; Civil and Structural Engineering;
Civil and Transportation Engineering; Civil and Water
Resources Engineering; Computer Engineering and Information
Technology; BSc. in Electrical Engineering; Electrical Power
Engineering; Electro-Mechanical Engineering; Food and
Biochemical Engineering; B.Com Marketing Financing,
Accountancy, Tourism and Hospitality; Banking & Humanity
Resource Management; Bachelor Business Administration; BSc
Industrial Engineering and Management; Mechanical Industrial
Engineering; Mineral Processing Engineering; Mining
Engineering; Production Engineering; Telecommunications
Engineering; BSc. with Geology; BSc. General; BSc. in
Engineering Geology; Molecular Biology and Biotechnology;
Wildlife Science and Conservation; BSc. with Education; BSc. in
Computer Science; BSc. with Computer Science; BSc. in
Electronic Science and Communication; Sc Applied Zoology,
Botany, Chemistry, Microbiology, Actuarial sciences; BA
Journalism, Mass communication; Public Relations; Bachelor of
Laws; BA in law enforcement, Masters and PhD programmes in
almost all the above undergraduate programme. Also Post –
graduate diploma in Education, Commerce and Law.
2.Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA)
Established 1984
Top Leadership 1 . C h a n c e l l o r : : A l - N o o r K a s s u m
2. Chairman of the Council: Ambassador . Nicholas Kuhanga
3. Vice Chancellor: Prof. G.C. Monela
4. Deputy VC Academics: Prof. Peter Gillah
5: Deputy VC Finance and Administration: Prof. J. Matovelo
Students 6,959
Academic Staff 494
Contact Address Sokoine University of Agriculture
P.O Box 3000
Tel. (255) 023 2603511/4
Fax: (255) 023 2604651
Programmes offered B.Sc. in Horticulture; Animal Science; Agricultural
Engineering; Food Science and Technology; Agricultural
Economics and Agribusiness; Forestry; Wildlife Management;
Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine; B.Sc. Agriculture General;
Agronomy; Aquaculture; Biotechnology and Laboratory
Sciences; Environmental Sciences and Management; Bachelor of
Rural Development; BSc. Family and Consumer Sciences;
Home economics, Human Nutrition;. Irrigation and Water
Resources; Bioprocess and Postharvest Engineering; Agricultural
Education and extension; Applied Agricultural Extension. Agr.
education curriculum; BSc. with Education, BSc Informatics,
Range Management, Tourism and Management, Masters &
PhDs in almost all the above Undergraduate programmes;.
3. Mzumbe University (MU)
Established 2001
Top Leadership 1 . C h a n c e l l o r : Ret Chief Justice Hon B. Samata
2. Chairman of the Council: Prof. D. Mkude
3. Vice Chancellor: Prof. J.A. Kuzilwa
4. Deputy VC Academics: Prof. M. N. Mgasa
5: Deputy VC Administration & Finance: Prof. F. Kamuzora
Students 6,165
Academic Staff 292
Contact Address Mzumbe University
P.O Box 1
Tel. (255) 023 260438/1/3/4
Fax: (255) 023 2604382
Programmes offered Bachelor of; Public Administration; Accounting in Local Govt;
Business Accounting, Finance, Public Sector Management,
Accounting in Public sector Accounting, Finance and
Investigation; Bachelor of Business Administration in
Procurement & logistic management, Marketing, BBA
Entrepreneurship and Development; Bachelor of Health Services
Manag, Bachelor of Human Resources; Certificate, Diploma &
Bachelor of Laws; Bachelor of Education in Commerce &
Accountancy; Language & Manag; Economics & Mang B.Sc. in
Economics & Project Planning; BSc. Information and
Communication Technology Management; B. Sc. in Applied
Statistics; Bachelor of Science in Production and Operations
Management; Bachelor of Local Govt. Mang;; Accounting &
Finance Certificates in Human Resource Manag; Accountancy;
Information & Communication Technology; Masters and Ph.Ds
in various fields.
4.State University Of Zanzibar (SUZA)
Established 1999
Top Leadership 1 . C h a n c e l l o r : H . E . t h e P r e sident Dr Mohamed Shein
2. Chairman of the Council: Mr. Hassan Nassor Moyo
3. Vice Chancellor: Prof. Idris Ahmada Rai
4. Deputy VC Academics: Dr. Abdullah I. Kanduru
5. Deputy VC Administration: Dr. Ahmada. H. Khatib
Students 1,224
Academic Staff 111
Contact Address State University of Zanzibar
P.O Box 146,
Tel. (255) 024 2230724
024 2233337;
024 2230024
Fax: (255) 024 2233337
Email: ,
Programmes offered Bachelor of Arts with Education, Bachelor of Science with
Education, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Diploma
in Computer Science, Diploma in Languages with Education,
Certificate in Computer Science, Diploma in Educational
Leadership and Management, Diploma in Information
Technology , Certificate in Information Technology
5. The University of Dodoma (UDOM)
Established 2007
Top Leadership 1 . C hancellor: Hon. Benjamin William Mkapa
2. Chairman of the Council: Ambassador Juma V Mwapachu
3. Vice Chancellor: Prof. I. Kikula
4. Deputy VC Academics: Prof. L.D.B. Kinabo
5: Deputy VC Administration: Prof. S.A.K. Mlacha
Students 19,584
Academic Staff 538
Contact Address University of Dodoma
P.O. Bo x 259
Tel. no. +255 26 2310001
Fax: +255 26 2310011
Programmes offered BSc. Computer Science; Business Information Systems Software
Engineering; Computer Engineering; Telecommunications
Engineering; ICT Mediated Content Development; Multimedia
Technology and Animation; Health Information Systems;
Information Systems Security;; Diploma in Computer Science,
Certificate in Computer Science; Doctor of Medicine; BSc.
Nursing – Midwifery; Nursing; BSc. Physics; Chemistry; Biology;
Math; Statistics; BSc. Applied Geology; Mining Engineering;
Mineral Processing; Petroleum Engineering; Bachelor of
Education in Science; Science with Education, Education with
Science (ICT); B.A. Kiswahili; History; Kiswahili Linguistics;
Kiswahili Literature; English; French; Arabic; Korean; Chinese;
Japanese; Literature; Tourism and Cultural Heritage; Film and
Theatre; Fine Arts and Design; Economics; Economics and
Sociology; Political Science and Public Administration; Public
Administration; Geography and Environmental Studies;
Sociology; Environmental Economics and Policy; Bachelor of
Business Administration; Business Administration (Evening
programme); Philosophy; B.Com. Accounting; Finance; Human
Resources Management; Marketing; Management Science; Small
Business Entrepreneurship; BCom. Information Management;
BCom Procurement Management; Tourism & Hospitality
Management; International Business; B.A Project Planning
Management and Community Development; Environmental
Disaster Management; Development Studies; Economics and
Statistics; International Relations; Bachelor of Law; B.Ed. Arts;
Commerce; Psychology; Early Childhood Education; BA Special
Needs Education; Guidance and Counseling; Adult Education
and Community Development; B.A with Education; B. Ed
Management and Administration; Policy, Planning and
Management. Masters and PhD programmes in most of the
above undergraduate programmes.
6. Muhimbili University of Health and
Allied Sciences (MUHAS)
Established 2006
Top Leadership 1 . C h a n c e l l o r : H o n . A l i H . M w i n y i
2. Chairman of the Council: D. Ntukamazina
3. Vice Chancellor: Prof. K.J. Pallangyo
4. Deputy VC Academics: Prof. Lyamuya
5: Deputy VC Administration: Prof..M. Bakari
Students 2,683
Academic Staff 244
Contact Address Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences
P.O. Box 65001
Tel No 255 22 2150331; 2150302/6; 2151596
Fax: 255 22 2150465
Programmes offered Doctor of Medicine; Bachelor of Laboratory Sciences; in
Parasitology; Microbiology; Histotechnology; Haematology;
Clinical sciences; BSc Laboratory technicians; Radiation Therapy
Technology; BSc. Pharmacy; Doctor of Dental Surgery; Bachelor
of Science in Nursing; B.Sc. in Environmental Health Sciences;
Midwifery; Nursing Management; Adv. Diploma in Medical
Laboratory Science; Nursing Education; Adv. Diploma in
Dermato - Venereology; Diploma in Nursing; Diploma in
Pharmaceutical Sciences; Orthopedics Technology; Diagnostic
Radiography; Masters and PhDs in all fields of Health sciences.
7. Ardhi University (ARU)
Established 2006
Top Leadership 1 . C h a n c e l l o r : H o n . C l e o p a M s u y a
2. Chairperson of Council: D. Mrs. Tabitha Siwale
3. Vice Chancellor: Prof. I.B. Mshoro
4. Deputy VC Academics: Prof. M.E. Kaseva
5. Deputy VC Administration: Prof. E. Mwageni
Students 2,692
Academic Staff 205
Contact Address P.O. Box 35176,
Tel: +255 22 2771274; 2775004
Fax: +255 22 2775391 /2775448
Programmes offered Undergraduate: Architecture; Landscape Architecture;
Interior Design; Building Economics; Building Survey;
Construction Management; Civil Engineering; Urban and
Regional Planning; Rural Development Planning; Housing
and Infrastructure Planning; Economics; Land
Management and Valuation; Real Estates (Finance and
Investments); Property and Facilities Management;
Geomatics; Geodetic Science; Geo-informatics;
Information Systems Management; BSc Accounting &
Finance; Environmental Engineering; Environmental
Science and Management; Environmental Laboratory
Science and Technology; Municipal Services Engineering.
Postgraduate (Diploma; Masters, Ph.D.): Architecture;
Construction Technology and Management; Urban
Planning and Management; Urban and Rural
Development Planning and Management; Real Estate;
Land Management; Geomatics; Environmental
Technology and Management; Housing; Disaster and
Risks Management.
8. The Open University of Tanzania (OUT)
Established 1992
Top Leadership 1 . C h a n c e l l o r : H o n . J o h n M a l e c h e l a
2. Chairman of the Council: Prof. S.Wangwe
3. Vice Chancellor: Prof. T.S.A. Mbwette
4.Deputy VC Academics: Prof. E. Bisanda
5: Deputy VC Resources Management: Prof. L. Kusilwa
6. Deputy VC Regional Services: Prof. M. Varisanga
Students 44,272
Academic Staff 350
Contact Address Open University of Tanzania
P.O Box 23409
Tel. (255) 022 2668992, 2668445
Fax: (255) 022 2668759
Programmes offered B.A. General; B.A. Education; B.A Tourism; BSc. General;
Bachelor of Commerce; Commerce with Education; Bachelor of
Laws; B.Sc. Education; Bachelor of Education (B.Ed); Bachelor
of Business Administration; BA Sociology; BA Social Work;
B.Sc: Information and Communication Technology; Bachelor of
Environmental Studies; Bachelor of Education (Special
Education), BA in Journalism ; Mass communication; Certificate
Course in Poultry and Health Production; Diploma Course in
Poultry and Health Production; Diploma in Primary Teacher
Education; Masters Degrees in Law; Tourism; Master of Arts;
Master of Science; MBA (Distance, Executive, Evening); LLM(
Information Technology & Telecommunication); Master of
Community Economic Development; Ph.D in various courses.
9.Moshi University College of Cooperative and
Business Studies (MUCCoBS)
Established 2004
Top Leadership 1 . C h a i r m a n of the Board: Prof. G.C. Monela
2. Principal; Prof. F.K. Bee
3. Ag. Deputy Principal Academic: Mr. M.M. Muhandeni
4: Deputy Principal, Admin Prof. L.N. Donge
Students 3,875
Academic Staff 144
Contact Address Moshi University College of Cooperative and Business Studies
P.O Box 474
Tel. (255) 027 2754401/4, 2751833
Fax: (255) 027 2750806
Programmes offered Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D); Master of Arts in Cooperative
Community Development; Master of Arts in Procurement and
Supply Management; B.A Accounting and Finance; B.A in
Cooperative Management & Accounting; BA in Procurement
and Supply Management; BA Community Economic
Development; BA Microfinance & Enterprise Development; BA
in Marketing and Entrepreneurship; BA in Human Resource
Management; BA in Business Economics; BA in Community
Resource Management; Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting
and Finance; Postgraduate Diploma in Community
Development; Postgraduate Diploma in Cooperative Business
Management; Postgraduate Diploma in Savings and Credit
Cooperative Societies Management; Diploma in Cooperative
Management and Accounting; Diploma in Enterprise
Management; Diploma in Information and Communication
Technology; Certificates in Management and Accounting;
Certificate in Accounting and Finance; Certificate in
Information Technology; Certificate in Microfinance
Management; Certificate in Library Information Sciences;
Certificate in Enterprise Development
9.Dar es Salaam University College of
Education (DUCE)
Established 2005
Top Leadership 1 . C h a i r m a n o f t h e B o a r d : P r o f R . S . M u k a n d a la
2. Principal: Prof. S.B .Misana (Ms)
3. DP. Academics: Prof. E.T. Mallya
4.DP Finance & Administration: Prof. B.B Nyichomba
Students 2,955
Academic Staff 198
Contact Address Dar es Salaam University College of Education
P.O Box 2329
Tel. (255) 022 2850975
Fax: (255) 022 2850952
Programmes offered B.A. with Education, B.Sc. with Education,
Bachelor of Education (Arts); Bachelor of Education (Science)
10. Mkwawa University College of
Education (MUCE)
Established 2005
Top Leadership 1 . C h a i r m a n o f t h e B o a r d : P r o f . R . S . M u k a n d a l a
2.Principal: Prof. P.A. K. Mushi
3. DP. Academics: Prof. G.D. Mrema
4: DP Administration: Prof. J. F. Machiwa
Students 1,967
Academic Staff 109
Contact Address Mkwawa University College of Education
Private Bag,
Tel. (255) 026 2702751
Fax: (255) 026 2702751
Programmes offered B.A with Education; B.Sc. with Education; Bachelor of
Education (Science)
Bachelor of Education (Arts)
11. Nelson Mandela Institute of
Technology (NM IT)
Established 2009
Top Leadership 1 . C h a n c e l l o r :
2. Chairman of the Council:
3. Vice Chancellor: Prof. Burton L Mwamila
4.Deputy VC Academics: Prof Dunstan T. Shemweta
5: Deputy VC Finance & Administration: Prof. Alfonse M. Dubi
Students 105
Academic Staff 26
Contact Address Tengeru, along Nelson Mandela Road,
P.O. Box 447, Arusha.
Tel:+255 272 555 070
Fax: +255 272 555 071
Programmes offered Master’s & PhD in: Life Sciences and Bioengineering
Master’s & PhD in: Mathematics and Computational
Science and Engineering
Master’s & PhD in: Information and Communication
Science and Engineering
PhD in: Hydrology and Water Resources
PhD in: Environmental Science and Engineering
PhD in: Sustainable Energy Science and Engineering
PhD in: Materials Science and Engineering
1. Hubert Kairuki Memorial
University (HKMU)
Established 1999
Top Leadership 1 . C h a n c e l l o r : H on. Salim A. Salim
2. Chairman of the Council: Prof.F. Kaijage
3. Vice Chancellor: Prof. K.E. Mshigeni
4.Deputy VC Academics: Prof. P.G.N. Rugarabamu
5: Deputy VC Administration: (VACANT)
Students 444
Academic Staff 42
Contact Address Hubert Kairuki Memorial University
P.O Box 65300,
Tel.(255) 022 2700021/4 Fax: (255) 022 2775591
Programmes offered Doctor of Medicine; Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Diploma
in Nursing/Midwifery or Psychiatry; Certificate in Wholistic
Therapeutic Counseling; Master of Medicine in Pediatrics’
&Child Health; Internal Medicine; Obstetrics, Gynecology and
2. St. Augustine University of
Tanzania (SAUT)
Established 1996
Top Leadership C h a n c e l l o r : B i s h o p J . T . R u w a ’ i c h i
2. Chairman of the Council: Most Rev. Niwemugizi
3. Vice Chancellor: Rev. Dr. C.H. Kitima
4. Deputy VC Academics: Dr. Pius Mgeni
5: Deputy VC Administration: Father Peter Mwanjombe
Students 11,134
Academic Staff 253
Contact Address St. Augustine University of Tanzania
P.O Box 307,
Tel No: 255 28 2552725, 2550560, 2550166
Fax: 255 28 2550167
Programmes offered B.A. in Mass Communication; Bachelor of Business
Administration; B.A. in Economics; B.A. with Education;
B.A. in Sociology; Public Relations and marketing; bachelor of
Philosophy with Education; Religious studies; BSc
Procurement & supply; BSc electrical engineering; Civil
engineering, BA Tourism; Bachelor of Law Adv. Diploma in
Journalism; Adv. Diploma in Accountancy; Adv. Diploma in
Procurement and Logistics Management; Certificate in
Accountancy; Certificate in Health Administration; Certificate
in Logistics and Supplies Management; Certificate in Grain
Management and Food Security; MBA; Masters in History,
Sociology; Economics; Mass Communication;
PhD in Mass Communication.
3. International Medical and
Technological University (IMTU)
Established 1996
Top Leadership 1 . C h a n c e l l o r : S i r A n d y C h a n d e , M B E
2. Chairman of the Council: Mr . Srinivasa Rao
2. Vice Chancellor: Prof. J.K. Shija
3. Deputy VC Academics: Prof. R.L. Mbise
4. Deputy VC Administration: Prof. J.B. Rugemalila
Students 981
Academic Staff 83
Contact Address International Medical and Technological University
P.O Box 77594,
Tel. No. (255) 022 2647036,
Tel No (255) 022 2647353
Fax: (255) 022 2647038
Programmes offered Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery; Bachelor Science
in Medical Laboratory Technology; Bachelor of Science in
Nursing; Diploma in Nursing; Pre-Medicine Certificate Course
(Pre-Entry Programme Scheme); Master of Science in Anatomy;
Master of Public Health (MPH); Master of Medicine in Internal
Medicine; Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynaecology;
Master of Medicine in Paediatrics and Child Health.
4. Tumaini University Makumira
Established 1999
Top Leadership 1 . C h a n c e l l o r : R t . R e v . . A . G . M a l a s u s a
2. Chairman of the Council: Prof. E. Mwaikambo
3. Vice Chancellor Prof. J.W Parsalaw
4. Deputy VC Academics: Prof. E Mbise
5. Ag. Deputy VC Administration: Mr L. Ringo
Students 1,871
Academic Staff 56
Contact Address Tumaini University Makumira
Tel No 027 2553634/5
Fax: 255-272753612
Programmes offered Bachelor of Divinity; B.A. Music; Bachelor of Laws; Bachelor of
Arts in Education, B.A. Languages, Masters and PhD in above
fields (Offered at Makumira Main campus)
Other programmes are offered in other 5 Constituent colleges.
5.Mount Meru University (MMU)
Established 2002
Top Leadership 1 . C h a n c e l l o r :
2. Chairman of the Council:
3. Vice Chancellor Rev. Dr. H. G. Olan,g
4. Deputy VC Academics: Rev.J.N. Katindi
5: Deputy VC Administration: Rev. E.Kipimo
Students 1,228
Academic Staff 46
Contact Address Mount Meru University
P.O Box 11811,
Tel.(255)0272508801 /02/08/18
Fax: (255) 027 2508821
Programmes offered Bachelor of Education; Bachelor of Business Administration;
Bachelor of Theology; Bachelor of Christian Education;
Diploma in Theology; Diploma in Christian Education; Diploma
in Church Music; Certificate of Theology
6.University of Arusha (UoA)
Established 2003
Top Leadership 1 . C h a n c e l l o r : R e v . G o d w i n L e k u n d a y o
2. Chairman of the Council: Pr. Davis Fue
3. Vice Chancellor: Dr. Laban Irhene Mgendi
4. Deputy VC Academics: Mr. Elton Lusingu
5: Deputy VC Administration: Mr. George Mayani
Students 1500
Academic Staff 73
Contact Address The University of Arusha
P.O Box 7
Usa River,
Tel. +255 27 2540000
VC: +255 272540001
Fax: 255 27 2540004
Programmes offered Bachelor of Business Administration: Bachelor of Business
Administration in Accounting/Management/Marketing/Office
Administration & HRM, BBA in Accounting with Education
Bachelor of Education; Degree in Theology /Religion, Diploma
of Business Administration in Sales & Marketing; Diploma of
Business Administration in Commerce & Accounting; Diploma
in Office Administration & HRM, and Diploma in Nursing
7.Teofilo Kisanji University(TEKU)
Established 2004
Top Leadership 1 . C hancellor: Rt. Bishop Alinikisa Cheyo
2. Chairman of the Council: Dr. Victoria Kanama
3. Vice Chancellor: Dr. Tulli Kassimoto
4. Deputy VC Academics: Rev. Dr. D. Moses
5: Deputy VC Administration: Mr. P. Mabuga
Students 3,596
Academic Staff 52
Contact Address Teofilo Kisanji University
P.O Box 1104,
Tel. (255) 025 2502682
Fax: (255) 025 2502155
Programmes offered B.A. with Education; Bachelor of Education in Mathematics;
Languages; Psychology; Counseling and Guidance; Bachelor of
Divinity; BCom; BA of Arts; BA in Sociology; B Sc Management
Information Systems; Certificate in Theology;
8. St. John’s University of
Tanzania (SJUT)
Established 2006
Top Leadership 1 . C h a n c e l l o r : R t . R e v . B i s h o p D o n a l d M t etemela
2. Chairman of Council: Ambassador Paul Rupia
3. Vice Chancellor: Prof. Manoris.V. Meshack
4. Deputy VC Academics: Prof. Eginald P. Mihanjo
5: Deputy VC Planning and Finance: Dr. John Ham
Students 5760
Academic Staff 190
Contact Address St. John’s University of Tanzania
P.O. Box 47
Tel no 255 26 2390044
Fax: 255 26 2390025
Programmes offered Bachelor of Pharmacy; Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Bachelor
of Arts with Education; Bachelor of Science with Education;
Bachelor of Arts with Theology in Education or General
Management; Bachelor of Business studies; Bachelor of Business
Administration; Bachelors of Education in Holistic Child
Development. Masters of Arts in Education; Masters of Arts in
Theology and Contemporary Issues; Masters of Science in Finance;
Masters of Science in Accounting; Masters of Arts in Community
Development; Masters of Business Administration - Corporate
Management; Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration
(PgD BA)
Postgraduate Diploma in Project Planning and Management
(PgDPPM); Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE). Diploma
in Business Administration; Diploma in Education; Diploma in
Project Planning and Management; Diploma in Law; and Certificate
in Law; Certificate and Diploma in Computer Systems Maintenance.
9. Muslim University of
Morogoro (MUM)
Established 2005
Top Leadership 1 . C h a n c e l l o r : M s . M w a t u m u M a l a l e
2.Chairman of Council: Dr. Mussa J. Assad
3. Vice Chancellor: Prof. H. M. Njozi
4. Deputy VC Academics: Prof. A.M. Juma
5. Deputy VC Administration: Mr. Kassim A. Umba
Students 1177
Academic Staff 31
Contact Address Muslim University of Morogoro
P.O Box 1031
Tel. (255) 023 2600256
Fax: (255) 023 2600286
Programmes offered BA in Mass Communication, BA (Education); Bachelor of
Islamic Studies with Education; Bachelor of Science (Education);
Bachelor of Law with Shariah; Bachelor of Business Studies;
Bachelor of Languages and Interpretation
10. Zanzibar University (ZU)
Established 1998
Top Leadership 1 . C h a n c e l l o r : P r o f. Mohammad Omar Zuber
2. Chairman of Council: Prof. Suleiman Bin Nasir Busahel
3. Vice Chancellor: Prof. Mustafa A. A. Roshash
4. Deputy VC Academics: Dr. M. I. Saleh
5. Deputy VC Administration: Ms. Hamida A. Muhammed
Students 2,047
Academic Staff 40
Contact Address Zanzibar University
P.O Box 2440,
Tel. No. (255) 773 901 217
Fax: (255) 773 901 218
Programmes offered Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance;
Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing; Bachelor of
Business Information Technology; Bachelor of Law and
Shariah; Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration; Bachelor of
Arts in Economics; Master of Laws in Comparative Laws.;
Diplomas in Islamic Banking & Finance; Criminal Justice,
Diploma in Business Information Technology; Diploma in
Procurement and Logistics management, Diploma in Project
Planning and Extension
11. Aga Khan University (AKU)
Established 2000
Top Leadership 1 . C h a n c e l l o r : H i s H i g h n e s s P r i n c e A g a Khan
2. Chairman of the Board:
3. Provost: Dr William Doe
4. President: Mr Firoz Rasul
5. Interim Director and Principal, AKU –Dar es Salaam: Dr
Hanjum Halai
Students 214
Academic Staff 31
Contact Address Aga Khan University – Tanzania Institute of Higher Education
P.O Box 38129
Tel. (255) 022 2122740, 2122764
Programmes offered B.Sc. Nursing; Adv. Diploma in Advanced Medical Nursing;
Diploma in Nursing; Specialties in Accident Emergency and
Disaster Nursing; Specialty in Nursing Management and
12. TU – Iringa University College
Established 1996
Top Leadership 1 . C h a i r m a n o f t h e Governing Board: Rt. Rev. Bishop
Dr. Owdenburg Moses Mdegella
2. Provost: Prof. N.TA. Bangu.
3. Deputy Provost: Academic Affairs: Rev.
Dr. Richard Lubawa.
4. Deputy Provost: Administration: Mr. Martin Mgongolwa
Students 3,307
Academic Staff 111
Contact Address Iringa University College,
P.O. Box 200,
Tel; (255) 026 2720900/7
Fax: (255) 026 2720904
Programmes offered Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) Bachelor of Arts (Community
Development) Bachelor of Arts in Cultural Anthropology and
Tourism; Bachelor of Business Administration ; Bachelor of
Science in Information Technology; Bachelor of Education
(Mathematics); Bachelor of Divinity; Bachelor of Counseling;
BSc Finance & Accounting; BSc Economics & Finance Bachelor
of Law; Diploma in Theology; Postgraduate Diploma of Church
Leadership in Management - (PGDCLM) Certificate in Law;
Business Administration; Post Graduate Diploma in
Management; MBA;,
13. TU – Kilimanjaro Christian
Medical College
Established 1996
Top Leadership 1 . C h a i r m a n o f t h e G o v e r n i n g B o a r d : R t . R e v . B i s h o p D r. Martin
F. Shao
2.Provost: Prof. E. M. Kessi
3.Deputy Provost Academic Affairs: Prof. A. Mallya
4.Deputy Provost Administration: Mr. Ahaz Kulanga
Students 1046
Academic Staff 80
Contact Address Kilimanjaro Christian Medical College,
P.O. Box 2040,
Tel; (255) 027 2753616
Fax: (255) 027 2757351
Programmes offered Bachelor of Science in Health, Laboratory Sciences.; Doctor
of Medicine ;Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Bachelor of
Science in Prosthetics and Orthotics. Bachelor of Science in
Physiotherapy; Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, Internal Medicine, Paediatrics and Child
Health, Ophthalmology, Diagnostic Radiology, Orthopaedics
/ Traumatology, Urology Otorhinolaryngology, General
Surgery, Anaesthesiology, Dermato-Venereology Diploma in
Health Laboratory, sciences; Diploma in Occupational
Therapy.;Master of Science in Anatomy and Histology,
Biochemistry, Clinical Pharmacology, Urology;Medical
Parasitology and Entomology, ; Physiology and Clinical
Research; Master of Public Health; Doctor of Philosophy.
14. TU – Dar Es Salaam College-
Established 1997
Top Leadership 1 . C h a i r m a n o f t h e B o a r d : R t . R e v . A.G. Malasusa
2. Provost: Prof. G. Mmari
3. Deputy Provost Academics: Prof. J. Minjas
4: Deputy Provost Administration: Ole Kambainei
Students 1,963
Academic Staff 42
Contact Address Tumaini University Dar Es Salaam College
P.O Box 77588
Tel. No. (255) 022 2760426/2760335
Fax: (255) 022 2760432
Programmes offered Bachelor of Business Administration; BA in Library and
Information Studies; Law; BA Mass Communication; Bachelor
of Information Management;
15 TU-Stefano Moshi Memorial
University College (SMMUCO)
Established 2006
Top Leadership 1 . C h a i r m a n o f t h e G o v e r n i n g B o a r d : R t . R e v . B i s h o p
Dr. Martin F. Shao
2. Provost: Prof. A. Temu
3. Deputy Provost Academic Affairs: Prof. P. Chonjo.
4. Deputy Provost Administration: Mr. E. Mmbaga
Students 844
Academic Staff 29
Contact Address Stefano Moshi Memorial University College
P.O Box 881, MOSHI.
Tel: 255-027-2757070
Fax: 255-027-2757880
Programmes offered Bachelor of Accountancy; Bachelor of Business
Administration with Education; Bachelor of Arts in Public
Administration and Management; ;Diploma in Education;
;Bachelor of Education (Arts); ; Bachelor of Science in
Hospitality and Tourism Management; Bachelor of Science in
Information Technology; Diploma in Theology Certificate in
Accountancy and Business Administration ;Diploma in
Accountancy; Diploma in Business Administration and
Management;;Diploma in Office Management and
Administration; Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism
Management; Diploma in Information Technology
16. TU – Sebastian Kolowa
University College (SEKUCO)
Established 2007
Top Leadership 1 . C h a i r m a n o f t h e G o v e r n i n g B o a r d : R t . R e v . B i s h o p
Dr. Stephen Munga
2. Provost; Rev. Dr. Anneth Munga
3. Deputy Provost ARC:
4. Deputy Provost: Administration Amb. F. Kuzilwa
Students 793
Academic Staff 18
Contact Address Sebastian Kolowa University College
P.o.Box 370, LUSHOTO.
Tel: 255-027-2640114
Fax: 255-027-2640107
Programmes offered Bachelor of Science; Bachelor of Education Special Needs;
Bachelor of Laws; Bachelor of Eco – Tourism and Nature
17.Ruaha University College -
Established 2005
Top Leadership 1 . C h a i r m a n o f the Board: Rt.Rev. Bishop Tarcisius
2. Principal: Rev.Dr. C. Mgimwa
3. Deputy Principal (ARC): Prof. D.A. Komba
4. Deputy Principal: (PFA) Rev. Fr. Angelo Duto
Students 5,000
Academic Staff 102
Contact Address Ruaha University College
P.O Box 774,
Tel. (255) 026 27022431
Fax: (255) 026 2702563
Programmes offered Bachelor of Science in Computer Science; Bachelor of
Law; Bachelor of Business Administration; BA with
education; Bachelor of Accounting, Finance & Information
Technology; Diploma in Computer Science; Diploma in
Medical Laboratory Sciences; Diploma in Pharmaceutical
sciences; Certificate in Computer Science and Business
18. Mwenge University College
of Education (MWUCE)
Established 2005
Top Leadership 1 . P r i n c i p a l : D r . P h i l b e r t V u m ilia
2. Deputy Principal Academics: Dr. John R Bakari
3. Deputy Principal (PF): Fr. Adelbert Donge
Students 1200
Academic Staff 50
Contact Address Mwenge University College of Education
P.O Box 1226,
Tel. (255) 027 2754156
Fax: (255) 027 2751317
Programmes offered Bachelor of Education (Science); Bachelor of Education
(Arts); ;
19. University College of
Education Zanzibar (COEZ)
Established 1998
Top Leadership 1 . C h a i r m a n o f t h e B o a r d : A b d e l R a h m a n A l m ihilan
2.Principlal: Dr. Izzeldin A. Magzoub
3.Academic Coordinator Dr. Hamed R.H. Hikmany
Students 784
Academic Staff 36
Contact Address College of Education Zanzibar
P.O Box 1933,
Tel.(255) 024 2234102
Fax: (255) 024 2234101
Programmes offered Bachelor of Science with Education in Maths & Physics;
Physics & Chemistry; Biology & Chemistry; BA with
Education in Geog; History; Arabic language and Islamic
20. University of Bagamoyo (UoB)
Established 2010
Top Leadership C h a n c e l l o r : R t . R e v . B i s h o p E l i naza Sendoro
Chairman: Prof. Josaphat Kanywanyi
Vice Chancellor: Prof. Costa R. Mahalu
DVC-ARC Prof. Gamaliel Mgongo Fimbo
DVC-PFA Dr. Edmund Sengondo Mvungi
Students 185
Academic Staff 21
Contact Address University of Bagamoyo
P.O.Box 75254
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel. +255718800724, +255784352552,
Fax: 2773037
Programmes offered Bachelor of Law , Bachelor of Science in Computer Science ,
Bachelor of Science Information, Communication
Technology(ICT), Bachelor of Science Mathematics and
Statistics, Bachelor of Science with Education (Mathematics,
ICT and CTS), Bachelor of Science with Education
(Mathematics, Statistics and CTS)
Bachelor of Arts Education (English, Geography and CTS),
Bachelor of Arts Education (Psychology, Philosophy and
CTS), Bachelor of Arts Education (English, Kiswahili and
21. Archibishop Mihayo University
College (AMUCTA)
Established 2010
Top Leadership P r i n c i p a l : R e v . D r . T h a d e u s M kama
Deputy Principal (Academic): Rev. Dr. Philemon
Deputy Principal (Admin & Finance): Rev. Appolinary
Students 1260
Academic Staff 25
Contact Address Archibishop Mihayo University College
P.O.Box 307
Tabora, Tanzania
Tel. 028 2552725, 2550560, 2550166
Fax: 028 2550167
Programmes offered Bachelor of Arts with Education, Bachelor of Arts in
22. Jordan University College –
Established 2010
Top Leadership P r i n c i p a l , F r . D r . B e r n a r d W i t e k , S D S
Deputy Principal (Academics Affairs), Fr. Dr. William
Deputy Principal (Administration & Finance), Fr. Marek
Sarniewicz, SDS
Students 674
Academic Staff 46
Contact Address St. Jordan University College
P.O.Box 1878
Morogoro, Tanzania
Tel. +255232604854
Fax: +522232600338
Programmes offered Bachelor of Arts with Education, Bachelor of Arts in
Sociology, Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, Bachelor of Arts
in African Studies, Bachelor of Education in Religious
23. Eckenforde Tanga University –
Established 2010
Top Leadership V i c e C h a n c e l l o r : M r . J o h n K i a n g o
DVC (Academic): Dr. Rodric D. Masimba
DVC (Administration) Mr. Mhina F. Kiangi
Students 586
Academic Staff 30
Contact Address Eckenforde Tanga University
P.O.Box 5079
Tanga, Tanzania
Tel: +255272646144
Fax: +255272646144
Programmes offered Bachelor of Arts with Education
24. St Francis University College of
Health and Allied Sciences –
Established 2010
Top Leadership C h a i r m a n : R t . R e v . A g a p i t N d o r o b o
Vice Chancellor: Rev. Dr. Charles Kitima
Principal: Prof. Cassian C. Magori
Deputy Principal (ARC): Prof. Sanga Kali Pemba.
Deputy Principal (PFA). Rev. Fr. Achilleus Ndege.
Students Capacity 50
Academic Staff 57
Contact Address St. Francis University College of Health and Allied
P.O. .Box 175
Ifakara, Tanzania
Tel. +255232625376
Fax: +Not yet installed
Programmes offered Doctor of Medicine
25. Stella Maris University College
Established 2010
Top Leadership C h a n c e l l o r : A r c h b i s h o p J . T R u w a i c h i
Vice Chancellor: Rev. Dr. Charles Kitima
Chairman of Council: Bishop S. Niwemgia
Principal: Rev. longino Rutagwelera
Students 2,553
Academic Staff 48
Contact Address SAUT Mtwara Centre
P.O Box
Programmes offered Bachelor of Arts with Education, Bachelor of Arts in
26. Catholic University of Health
and Allied Sciences (CUHAS)
Established 2010
Top Leadership 1 . C h a n c e l l o r : R t . R e v . B i s h o p A l o y c i u s Balina
2.Vice Chancellor: Prof. J.P. Mtabaji
3. Deputy VC Academics: Prof. Cassian Magori
4. Deputy VC Administration: Prof. William Mahalu
Students 718
Academic Staff 54
Contact Address Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences
P.O Box 1464,
Tel. (255) 028 2500881
Fax: (255) 028 2502678
Programmes offered Doctor of Medicine; Bachelor of Pharmacy, bachelor of
Medical Laboratory sciences, Bachelor of science in
Nursing education Diploma in Medical Laboratory;
Pharmaceutical Science; Diagnostic Radiography;
27. Kampala International
University-DSM College (KIU)
Established 2011
Top Leadership P r i n c i p a l : D r . V i v i a n Iwueke Adaku
Director of Academic Affairs: Dr. Edwin Odhuno
Deputy Principal (F & Adm) Mr. Ssebandeke Yakoub
Students 882
Academic Staff 127
Contact Address Kampala International University
P.O.Box 9790
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel: 255769114645, +25522284325
Fax: 255222843252
Programmes offered Bachelor of Science in Health Laboratory Science, Bachelor of
Science Physiotherapy, Bachelor of Science Prosthetics and
Orthotics, Doctor of Medicine, Bachelor of Business
Administration, Bachelor of International Business
Administration, Bachelor of Human Resource Management,
Bachelor of Supplies and Procurement Management, Bachelor
of Marketing Management, Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor
of Computer Science, Bachelor of Computer Engineering,
Bachelor of Information Technology, Bachelor of Business
Computing, Bachelor of Management Information Systems,
Bachelor of Social Work and Social Administration, Bachelor
of Development Studies, Bachelor Public Administration,
Bachelor of Conflict resolution and Peace Building, Bachelor
of Guidance and Counseling, Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of
Computer Science, Bachelor of Information Technology,
Bachelor Business Administration (Accounting), Bachelor of
Conflict resolution and Peace Building, 6 Bachelor of Arts
with Education, Bachelor Public Administration, Bachelor of
Guidance and Counseling, Bachelor of Social Work and Social
Administration, Bachelor Business Administration (Finance
and Banking), Bachelor Business Administration (Human
Resources Management).
28 Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture
and Technology (JKUAT) Centre
Established 2011
Top Leadership D irector: Dr. W.J. Mavura
Students 15
Academic Staff 22
Contact Address Jomo Kenyatta Univ of Agric & Technology
P.O Box 7302
Programmes offered Bachelor of Business Information Technology,
Bachelor of Commerce, Certificate, Diploma and
Postgraduate courses in business, finance,
commerce, public administration, international
relations, human resource, ICT, community dev.etc
Annex 2: Map of Tanzania showing distribution of Universities
and University Colleges in Tanzania.
Public institutions Private institutions

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