Wednesday, October 26, 2011


  1. Gaddafi Buried: Burial Of Gaddafi, Muatassim And Abu Bakr Younis ... - Tafsiri ukurasa huu
    masaa 21 yaliyopita - By KARIN LAUB and RAMI AL-SHAHEIBI -- The Associated Press MISRATA, Libya -- Longtime Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi, his son Muatassim and a top ...
  2. Gaddafi Dead: Burial Of Gaddafi, Muatassim And Abu Bakr Younis ... - Tafsiri ukurasa huu
    masaa 22 yaliyopita - By KARIN LAUB and RAMI AL-SHAHEIBI -- The Associated Press MISRATA, Libya ...
  3. Inglorious secret burial for Gaddafi and son | WORLD News - Tafsiri ukurasa huu
    masaa 15 yaliyopita - Muammar Gaddafi and his son Mo'tassim were buried in a secret desert location today, five days after the deposed Libyan leader was captured, killed…
  4. Gaddafi Secret Burial: Libyan Dictator, Son And Top Aide Buried In ... - Tafsiri ukurasa huu
    masaa 22 yaliyopita - AP — Longtime Libyan dictator Moammar Gaddafi, his son Muatassim and a top aide were buried in an Islamic ceremony at dawn Tuesday in a secret location, ...
  5. Gaddafi buried in secret desert location | World news | - Tafsiri ukurasa huu
    masaa 20 yaliyopita - Gaddafi's burial alongside his son Mutassim brings to close controversy over public display of his body for nearly four days.
  6. Gaddafi And Son Get Secretive Burial In The Desert | Sahara ... › News & ReportsNews - Tafsiri ukurasa huu
    masaa 23 yaliyopita - Muammar Gadhafi and his son, Mutassin have been buried in a secret desert location by officials of of the National Transition Council in Libya according to ...
  7. Gaddafi burial: Dictator and son Mutassim's dead bodies put in ... - Tafsiri ukurasa huu
    dakika 10 zilizopita - WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: His inglorious end was witnessed by only two members of Libya's National Transitional Council, who were sworn never to ...
  8. BBC News - Muammar Gaddafi buried: End of gruesome show - Tafsiri ukurasa huu
    masaa 12 yaliyopita - The spectacle with Col Muammar Gaddafi's burial may be finally over, but it highlights the intense political rivalries among Libya's new rulers, the BBC's Gabriel ...
  9. Gaddafi Body Handed to NTC Loyalists for Burial - Tafsiri ukurasa huu
    masaa 22 yaliyopita - Two loyalists of Libya's interim government were handed Muammar Gaddafi's body to bury secretly deep in the Sahara desert on Tuesday after a cleric prayed ...
  10. Lateline - 25/10/2011: Libya buries Gaddafi in unmarked grave - Tafsiri ukurasa huu
    masaa 19 yaliyopita - The body of former Libyan leader Moamar Gaddafi has been buried in an unmarked grave in an undisclosed location to prevent it becoming a shrine for loyalists ...

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