Monday, October 17, 2011


  1. Julius Nyerere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Julius Kambarage Nyerere (13 April 1922 – 14 October 1999) was a Tanzanian ..... Smith, Mark K. "Julius Nyerere, lifelong learning and informal education. ...
  2. Julius Nyerere, lifelong learning and informal education
    One of Africa's most respected figures, Julius Nyerere (1922 – 1999) was a politician ..... Extract from Julius K. Nyerere '"Development is for Man, by Man, and of ...
  3. Julius K. Nyerere
    Julius K. Nyerere. “The Africa that we must create must be an Africa which the outside world will look at and say: If you really want to see free people who live up ...
  4. Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere | Father of the Nation
    Julius Kambarage Nyerere (13 April 1922 - 14 October 1999) was a Tanzanian politician who served as the first President of Tanzania and previously ...
  5. Julius Kambarage Nyerere
    Julius K. Nyerere became the President of Tanganyika (East Africa) in 1962 and was President of Tanzania (Tanganyika and Zanzibar) from 1964 to 1985. ...
  6. Message to America from Tanzania's President Julius K. Nyerere,9171,914388,00.html
    26 Jul 1976 – As part of our Bicentennial observances TIME asked leaders of nations round the world to address the American people through the pages of ...
  7. Julius K. Nyerere, 1922-1999
    Julius K. Nyerere, 1922-1999. The first president of the United Republic of Tanzania (1961-85) and one of Africa's most renowned statesmen, Julius Kambarage ...
  8. Rushwa "Corruption" - Julius K. Nyerere - YouTube
    4 Jan 2011 – Julius Kambarage Nyerere (13 April 1922 - 14 October 1999) was a Tanzanian politician who served as the first President of Tanzania and ...
  9. Julius K. Nyerere quotes › AuthorsJot Jzz
    Julius K. Nyerere quotes,Julius, K., Nyerere, author, authors, writer, writers, people, famous people.
  10. Mwl. Julius K. Nyerere - Wall | Facebook
    Mwl. Julius K. Nyerere - Twitter: - Religious Views: Roman Catholic - Work Info: a:4:{i:0;a:9:{s:2:"id";i:154684684570071;s:7:"company";s:21:"Tanganyika ...
  11. News for Julius K. Nyerere

    Africa Review
  12. Mkapa: Commemorate Mwalimu`s principles by action
    IPPmedia - 1 day ago
    By Edwin Agola Retired President Benjamin Mkapa has called upon the Tanzanian general public to commemorate Father of Nation Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere's ...
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