Tuesday, October 25, 2011


  1. Muammar Gaddafi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muammar_Gaddafi - Tafsiri ukurasa huu
    He finished his secondary school studies under a private tutor in Misrata, concentrating on the study of history. Gaddafi entered the Royal Libyan Military ...
  2. History of Libya under Muammar Gaddafi - Wikipedia, the free ...

    en.wikipedia.org/.../History_of_Libya_under_Mu... - Tafsiri ukurasa huu
    Gaddafi supported Soviet protege Haile Mariam Mengistu, who was later ...
  3. Muammar Qaddafi's History - YouTube

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvHcY0tDkPQ - Tafsiri ukurasa huu
    22 Feb 2011 – Since Muammar Qaddafi took control of Libya in 1969, he has been described as a ruthless and calculating leader. Mark Phillips reports.
  4. Libya archive reveals pictorial history of Gaddafi's brutal reign ...

    www.guardian.co.uk/.../libya-muammar-gaddafi - Tafsiri ukurasa huu
    18 Jul 2011 – A human rights team reveals a huge archive of footage and images detailing Muammar Gaddafi's brutal reign over Libya, not least the infamous ...
  5. BBC News - The Muammar Gaddafi story

    www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-12688033 - Tafsiri ukurasa huu
    4 days ago – How can you adequately describe someone like Muammar Gaddafi? During a period that spanned six decades the Libyan leader has paraded ...
  6. Muammar Gaddafi: Biography from Answers.com

    www.answers.com/topic/muammar-al-qaddafi - Tafsiri ukurasa huu
    In the same period Gaddafi was enrolled in the University of Bengasi for three years, attending courses for a degree in history. In 1966 he took part in a training ...
  7. Who Is Colonel Gaddafi? | Information History

    www.informationhistory.com/who-is-colonel-gad... - Tafsiri ukurasa huu
    11 Sep 2010 – Who Is Colonel Gaddafi? Muammar Abu Minyar alGaddafi was born into a Bedouin family in the desert area of Sirte in Libya on 7 June 1942.
  8. Qaddafi leads coup in Libya — History.com This Day in History — 9 ...

    www.history.com/...history/qaddafi-leads-coup-in... - Tafsiri ukurasa huu
    Muammar al-Qaddafi, a 27-year-old Libyan army captain, leads a successful military coup against King Idris I of Libya. Idris was deposed and Qaddafi was ...
  9. Gaddafi and the CIA – a short history | The Broken Elbow

    thebrokenelbow.com/.../gaddafi-and-the-cia-a-sh... - Tafsiri ukurasa huu
    31 Mar 2011 – Heftir's history as a former officer in Gaddafi's military turned CIA-backed opponent of the Libyan regime goes back nearly twenty-five years and ...
  10. Gaddafi has a long history as a killer — and must be stopped - The ...

    www.washingtonpost.com/.../gaddafi...history.../... - Tafsiri ukurasa huu
    14 Mar 2011 – Unless the West intervenes, Gaddafi's bloodbath will continue.

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